
             Good Day LCD,
                        Our teacher told us to read and make a reflection and insight about what we read. the title of the poem is "Desiderata" or "Desired Things" this poem is written by Max Ehrmann.

Reflections and Insights:

Today I learned about what is the message of the poem and the meaning of "Desiderata".

* This information will help me in becoming a contented person and also to become myself, to have peace with all the people, to have enough wisdom to accept what I can't change and to be happy to succeed in life.

* I would like to know more about the things that I should learn to change me and to help me in my everyday life with others and with God.

As a science class student, the knowledge I gained about this can inform me, my classmates and all of the readers that read about this advice or poem in changing their characteristics or traits in becoming a good person.

That's All ;))

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Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) And South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ)

Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

          The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. Also known by sailors as doldrums. It was originally identified from the 1920s to the 1940s as the Intertropical Front (ITF), but after the recognition in the 1940s and 1950s of the significance of wind field convergence in tropical weather production, the term "ITCZ" was then applied. When it lies near the equator, it is called the near-equilatorial through. The ITCZ appears as a band of clouds, usually thunderstorms, that circle the globe near the equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds move in a southwestern direction from the northeast, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they move northwestward from the southeast.

South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ)

          The South Pacific Convergenze Zone (SPCZ) is a reverse-oriented, or west-northwest to east-southeast aligned, trough extending from the west Pacific warm pool southeastwards towards French Polynesia. It lies just south of the Equator during theSouthern Hemisphere warm season, but can be more extratropical in nature, especially east of the International Date Line. It is considered the largest and most important piece of the ITCZ, and has the least dependence upon heating from a nearby land mass during the summer than any other portion of the monsoon trough.

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El Nino

El Nino is also known as the southern oscillation. The El Nino phenomenon can be described as a type of abnormal warming that occurs on the surface ocean waters in the part of the eastern tropical pacific that is known as the southern oscillation. The southern oscillation operates in a type of see-saw pattern that occurs when the surface air pressure between the western and the eastern tropical pacific is reversed. When this happens, the surface pressure is reversed as well as the ocean warming. When these two reversals are reversed in a mostly simultaneous manner, then weather forecasters and meteorologists tend to call this phenomenon as the southern oscillation or the El Niño phenomenon.
Where did the name El Nino come from? This nickname was given to the weather phenomenon by South American fisherman who began to notice the El Nino phenomenon in the previous decade. But what does the El Nino phenomenon name mean? The El Nino name specifically translates as the child, but in this context the El Nino name translates as 'the Christ child.' It was named thusly by the South American fishermen because the weather phenomenon occurs at roughly the same time as the celebration of the Christ Child, that is, during the Christmas season. However, although the El Nino generally begins during these months (winter months in the United States and North America) it can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.
What causes the condition described as El Nino to start in the first place? The phenomenon known as El Nino is still a bit of a mystery to the scientists. In general, most scientists cannot pinpoint the exact reason for why the El Nino develops. However, most scientists believe that the El Nino has contributed to some of the most devastating weather that has ever occurred in the United States. For example, most researchers believe that the El Nino phenomenon is at least partially responsible for the disaster and devastation wrought by several large weather events such as Mississippi floods of 1993 and the California floods of 1995. The El Nino phenomenon is also thought to contribute to the drought conditions that have plagued many parts of the world, including areas in Australia, South America, and Africa.

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La Nina

La Niña

La Niña is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon that is the counterpart of El Niño as part of the broader El Niño-Southern Oscillation climate pattern. During a period of La Niña, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 3–5 °C. In the United States, an episode of La Niña is defined as a period of at least 5 months of La Niña conditions. The name La Niña originates from Spanish, meaning "the girl," analogous to El Niño meaning "the boy."
La Niña, sometimes informally called "anti-El Niño", is the opposite of El Niño, where the latter corresponds instead to a higher sea surface temperature by a deviation of at least 0.5 °C, and its effects are often the reverse of those of El Niño. El Niño is famous due to its potentially catastrophic impact on the weather along both the Chilean, Peruvian, New Zealand, and Australian coasts, among others. It has extensive effects on the weather in North America, even affecting the Atlantic Hurricane Season. La Niña is often, though not always, preceded by an El Niño.

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